Generating documentation for UML Use Cases (XML,XSL,XSD example included)

Capturing Use Cases is not easy at all, the Use Case diagram items are scarce and simple for an obvious reason, to keep the diagram simple and understandable. Just make a quick search in Google images for 'use case diagram' to get an astounding amount of examples of how badly the theory has been understood by many... Someone misunderstood basic theory here... Every diagram should be accompanied by the corresponding documentation where every element has to be described and cross referenced. I highly recommend using professional UML tools to generate diagrams, but as soon as you place documentation in them, you are linked to their brand, and even when xmi should allow easy export of project information, it seems not to. A workaround to this consists on using them to draw the diagrams and keeping the documentation, which becomes as valuable or more than the diagrams as it grows in size, in a separate easy-to-export-and-maintain format. Keeping project documentation i...