CORBA, OMNIORB, Asynchronous Method Invocation
AMI: Asynchronous Method Invocation under CORBA allows generation of asynchronous callback handlers and poolers.
The idl compiler generates de corresponding code to handle the responses.
1- Create a 'idl' folder and create AMIExample.idl file into it:
2- Create a compile script in the previous folder, for example idlcompile.bat:
Parameter -bami AmiExample.idl >> AmiExample.txt indicates the compiler that it should create a description of the created interfaces and put it into AmiExample.txt.
After executing the compiling script AmiExample.hh, and AmiExample.txt will be created into the folder.
AmiExample.txt gives a detailed definition of the available interfaces in the generated class.
In this example we will focus on a Callback handler, a client will perform an asynchronous method call on the servant and the response will be received (asynchronously) by a callback handler:
We need:
The servant return "Hello World" so that it is received asynchronously by the Handler:
The callback handler adds three exclamation marks to the response and "Hello World!!!" is shown in the standard output.
Ramon Talavera.
The idl compiler generates de corresponding code to handle the responses.
1- Create a 'idl' folder and create AMIExample.idl file into it:
interface AMIExample { string asyncMe(in string inputValue); };
2- Create a compile script in the previous folder, for example idlcompile.bat:
set OMINIDL=C:\omniorb\omniORB-4.2.0\bin\x86_win32\omniidl %OMINIDL% -bcxx -bami AmiExample.idl >> AmiExample.txt %OMINIDL% -bcxx -Wbami AmiExample.idl
Parameter -bami AmiExample.idl >> AmiExample.txt indicates the compiler that it should create a description of the created interfaces and put it into AmiExample.txt.
After executing the compiling script AmiExample.hh, and AmiExample.txt will be created into the folder.
AmiExample.txt gives a detailed definition of the available interfaces in the generated class.
// ReplyHandler for interface AMIExample interface AMI_AMIExampleHandler : Messaging::ReplyHandler { void asyncMe(in string ami_return_val); void asyncMe_excep(in ::Messaging::ExceptionHolder excep_holder); }; // Poller valuetype for interface AMIExample abstract valuetype AMI_AMIExamplePoller : Messaging::Poller { void asyncMe(in unsigned long ami_timeout, out string ami_return_val); }; // AMI implied operations for interface AMIExample interface AMIExample { void sendc_asyncMe(in ::AMI_AMIExampleHandler ami_handler, in string inputValue); ::AMI_AMIExamplePoller sendp_asyncMe(in string inputValue); };
In this example we will focus on a Callback handler, a client will perform an asynchronous method call on the servant and the response will be received (asynchronously) by a callback handler:
We need:
- A Servant of type AMIExample
- A Client
- A Handler of type AMIExampleHandler
Coding the Servant (Project A):
#pragma once
CPP#include "idl/AmiExample.hh" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class AmiExampleImpl : public POA_AMIExample { public: AmiExampleImpl(void); virtual ~AmiExampleImpl(void); virtual char *asyncMe(const char *); };
#include "StdAfx.h" #include "AmiExampleImpl.hh" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <assert.h> AmiExampleImpl::AmiExampleImpl(void) { } AmiExampleImpl::~AmiExampleImpl(void) { } char * AmiExampleImpl::asyncMe(const char *str) { CORBA::string_dup(str); }
The Servant Launcher:
#include "stdafx.h" #include "idl/AmiExample.hh" #include "AmiExampleImpl.hh" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char *servantName="AMIExample"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start CORBA server: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cout<<"Welcome, initialising CORBA"<<endl; try { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 1) Initialize ORB // 2) Get reference to root POA // 3) Bind to name service // 4) Initialize servant object //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize CORBA ORB - "orb" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"Corab Servant Initialising Arguments:"<<endl; for (int i=0;i<argc;i++) { cout<<argv[i]<<endl; } cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv); cout<<"Corba initialised"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Servant must register with POA in order to be made available for client // Get reference to the RootPOA. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"); PortableServer::POA_var _poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(; cout<<"Servant Registered"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Operations defined in object interface invoked via an object reference. // Instance of CRequestSocketStream_i servant is initialized. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ AmiExampleImpl* myService = new AmiExampleImpl; cout<<"Interface implementation created"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ObjectId_var class defined in poa.h // typedef String_var ObjectId_var; CORBA_ORB.h // ??????? //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Servant object activated in RootPOA. // (Object id used for various POA operations.) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ PortableServer::ObjectId_var myservice_oid = _poa->activate_object(myService); cout<<"POA Activated"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Obtain object reference from servant and register in naming service(??) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORBA::Object_var SA_obj = myService->_this(); cout<<"Reference to servant obtained"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Obtain a reference to the object, and print it out as string IOR. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORBA::String_var sior(orb->object_to_string(; cerr << "'" << (char*)sior << "'" << endl; cout<<"IOR Obtained"<<endl; //======================================================================== // Bind (rebind) object (orb) to name (SA_obj) //======================================================================== //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Bind object to name service as defined by directive InitRef // and identifier "NameService" in config file omniORB.cfg. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"--------->Binding to name service"<<endl; CORBA::Object_var initServ=orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService"); if (!CORBA::is_nil(initServ)) { cout<<"NameService found"<<endl; } else { cout<<"NameService not found"<<endl; } assert(!CORBA::is_nil(initServ)); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // narrow this to the naming context //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"Narrowing Name Context"<<endl; CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext; rootContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(initServ); cout<<"Narrow"<<endl; assert(!CORBA::is_nil(rootContext)); cout<<"Narrowing was suscessfull"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Bind to CORBA name service. Same name to be requested by client. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"Binding"<<endl; CosNaming::Name name; name.length(1); name[0].id=CORBA::string_dup(servantName); rootContext->rebind (name,; cout<<"Bound as"<<servantName<<endl; //======================================================================== myService->_remove_ref(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Activate the POA manager //------------------------------------------------------------------------ PortableServer::POAManager_var pmgr = _poa->the_POAManager(); pmgr->activate(); cout<<"POA Activated"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Accept requests from clients //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"Accepting requests from clients"<<endl; orb->run(); //this is a blocking call //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // If orb leaves event handling loop. // - currently configured never to time out (??) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ orb->destroy(); cout<<"Servant destroyed"<<endl; free(name[0].id); // str_dup does a malloc internally getchar(); } catch(CORBA::SystemException&) { cerr << "Caught CORBA::SystemException." << endl; getchar(); } catch(CORBA::Exception&) { cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception." << endl; getchar(); } catch(omniORB::fatalException& fe) { cerr << "Caught omniORB::fatalException:" << endl; cerr << " file: " << fe.file() << endl; cerr << " line: " << fe.line() << endl; cerr << " mesg: " << fe.errmsg() << endl; getchar(); } catch(...) { cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << endl; getchar(); } return 0; }
Coding the Client and the Handler (Project B):
#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "idl/AmiExample.hh" class CorbaAMIClient { public: CorbaAMIClient(void); CorbaAMIClient(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb); virtual ~CorbaAMIClient(void); // CORBA ORB CORBA::ORB_var m_orb; CORBA::Object_var m_nameService; CosNaming::Name m_corbaCosName; CosNaming::NamingContext_var m_nameContext; CORBA::Object_var m_corbaref; // Resolved id to object reference // Resolved and narrowed CORBA object for proxy calls AMIExampleRef m_remoteInterface; }; class DS_ServerConnectionException{ public: DS_ServerConnectionException() { cerr << "CORBA COMM_FAILURE" << endl; }; }; class DS_SystemException{ public: DS_SystemException() { cerr << "CORBA Exception" << endl; }; }; class DS_FatalException{ public: DS_FatalException() { cerr << "CORBA Fatal Exception" << endl; }; }; class DS_Exception{ public: DS_Exception() { cerr << "Exception" << endl; }; };CPP
#include "stdafx.h" #include "idl/AmiExample.hh" #include "AmiExampleHandlerImpl.hh" #include "AmiExampleHandlerImpl.hh" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <assert.h> #include "CorbaAMIClient.hh" using namespace std; CorbaAMIClient::CorbaAMIClient(void) { } CorbaAMIClient::~CorbaAMIClient(void) { } CorbaAMIClient::CorbaAMIClient(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb) { const char *servantName="AMIExample"; try { /* cout<<"Corba Client Initialising Arguments:"<<endl; for (int i=0;i<argc;i++) { cout<<argv[i]<<endl; }*/ m_orb=orb; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize ORB object. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //int argc=0; // Dummy variables to support following call. //char** argv=0; //CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv); /*this->m_orb= CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv); cout<<"orb inited"<<endl; */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Bind ORB object to name service object. // (Reference to Name service root context.) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"getting name service"<<endl; //CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService"); this->m_nameService = this->m_orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService"); assert (!CORBA::is_nil(this->; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Narrow this to the naming context (Narrowed reference to root context.) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"Narrowing"<<endl; //CosNaming::NamingContext_var nc = // CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(; this->m_nameContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(this->; assert (!CORBA::is_nil(this->m_nameContext)); cout<<"narrow done"<<endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "name text" put forth by CORBA server in name service. // This same name ("DataServiceName1") is used by the CORBA server when // binding to the name server (CosNaming::Name). //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"binding to "<<servantName<<endl; /*CosNaming::Name _corbaCosName; _corbaCosName.length(1); _corbaCosName[0].id=CORBA::string_dup("Dummy1");*/ this->m_corbaCosName.length(1); this->m_corbaCosName[0].id=CORBA::string_dup(servantName); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Resolve "name text" identifier to an object reference. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout<<"Resolving "<<servantName<<endl; //CORBA::Object_var obj1 = nc->resolve(_corbaCosName); this->m_corbaref= this->m_nameContext->resolve(this->m_corbaCosName); assert(!CORBA::is_nil(this->m_corbaref)); cout<<"narrowing AMIExample"<<endl; this->m_remoteInterface= AMIExample::_narrow(this->; if (CORBA::is_nil(this->m_remoteInterface)) { cerr << "IOR is not an SA object reference." << endl; } cout<<servantName<<" Client prepared."<<endl; } catch(CORBA::COMM_FAILURE& ) { cerr << "Caught system exception COMM_FAILURE -- unable to contact the " << "object." << endl; throw DS_ServerConnectionException(); return; } catch(CORBA::SystemException& ) { cerr << "Caught a CORBA::SystemException." << endl; throw DS_SystemException(); return; } catch(CORBA::Exception& ) { cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception." << endl; throw DS_Exception(); return; } catch(omniORB::fatalException& fe) { cerr << "Caught omniORB::fatalException:" << endl; cerr << " file: " << fe.file() << endl; cerr << " line: " << fe.line() << endl; cerr << " mesg: " << fe.errmsg() << endl; throw DS_FatalException(); return; } catch(...) { cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << endl; throw DS_Exception(); return; } return; }
Callback Handler:
#pragma once #include "idl/AmiExample.hh" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class AmiExampleHandlerImpl : public virtual POA_AMI_AMIExampleHandler { public: AmiExampleHandlerImpl(void); virtual ~AmiExampleHandlerImpl(void); void asyncMe(const char* ami_return_val); void asyncMe_excep(::Messaging::ExceptionHolder* excep_holder); };CPP
#include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <assert.h> #include "AmiExampleHandlerImpl.hh" AmiExampleHandlerImpl::AmiExampleHandlerImpl(void) { } AmiExampleHandlerImpl::~AmiExampleHandlerImpl(void) { } void AmiExampleHandlerImpl::asyncMe(const char* ami_return_val) { std::cout<<ami_return_val<<"!!!"<<std::endl; } void AmiExampleHandlerImpl::asyncMe_excep(::Messaging::ExceptionHolder* excep_holder) { try { excep_holder->raise_exception(); } catch (CORBA::Exception& ex) { cout << "echoString exception: " << ex._name() << endl; } }
Client Launcher:
int main(int argc, char** argv) { CORBA::ORB_ptr orb= CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv); // Resolve and activate the Root POA // Without it, creating Handlers will FAIL! CORBA::Object_var poa_obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"); PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(poa_obj); PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = poa->the_POAManager(); pman->activate(); //Create the callback Handler AMI_AMIExampleHandler_ptr handler_ptr = (new AmiExampleHandlerImpl())->_this(); cout<<"Welcome, initialising CORBA CLIENT"<<endl; CorbaAMIClient client(orb); client.m_remoteInterface->sendc_asyncMe(handler_ptr,"HELLO WORLD"); // Wait for a while -- the call should complete within this time omni_thread::sleep(2); getchar(); PortableServer::ObjectId *oid = poa->reference_to_id(handler_ptr); poa->deactivate_object(*oid); poa->destroy(false,false); pman->deactivate(false,false); orb->destroy(); return 0; }
The client invokes the servant asynchronously:sendc_asyncMe(handler_ptr,"HELLO WORLD!!!");
The servant return "Hello World" so that it is received asynchronously by the Handler:
void AmiExampleHandlerImpl::asyncMe(const char* ami_return_val) { std::cout<<ami_return_val<<"!!!"<<std::endl; }
The callback handler adds three exclamation marks to the response and "Hello World!!!" is shown in the standard output.
Ramon Talavera.
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